In order to encourage students to enter the magical world of reading, Colégio Caetano holds the Literary Exhibition, always honoring well-known authors. With an exhibition of books and handicrafts, interviews with writers and artistic and cultural presentations, this event highlights the importance of Literature.

Music, Theater and Dance! The Cultural Festival is a time when elementary and high school students demonstrate their talents in artistic presentations. It is a true show of creativity and culture, in addition to integrating student teachers and family members.

With lots of entertainment, students, family and guests have fun and enjoy the dances, games and typical foods that are offered during the party. The event reveals and values the culture and tradition of Brazilian folklore.

Experienced by students from 6th grade to 3rd grade in EM, Gincana Caetano provides moments of socialization, recreation and integration through sporting, cultural, solidary and artistic activities, which encourage teamwork and mutual respect.

It involves students from the 2nd to the 5th year of EF.
An unforgettable night, when everyone sleeps at school and participates in Sport, Art, Music, Theater workshops, lots of games and delicious snacks.
This event is held in order to provide children from Nursery 2 to the 5th year of EF with artistic, cultural, scientific and literary experiences, which are fundamental for the affective and social cognitive development. It is a moment in which the tumas show their productions made within the Study Projects, for the appreciation of the families and guests of the community, which allows the interaction between the children and their families as well as the socialization of learning.

Lectures, workshops, mini courses, exhibitions, presentations and experiences are the activities developed by students from the 6th year EF2 to the 3rd year EM during the Mini Graduation. He can be Scientific, when he contemplates the Biological Sciences, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or Humanistic when the themes studied and exposed are History, Geography, Sociology, Philosophy, Foreign Languages, Portuguese Language and Literature.